Thanks so much for all the love!
Since I’ve passed 100 followers a third winner has been added!

This has been a long time coming and have been teasing about it on twitter for a while, now I have finally some time to sit down and write this post and announce my fist giveaway at the Design Blog =)
First Place will win:
A FULL BLOG MAKEOVER valued at 140$! {Blogger or Wordpress}
Second Place:
BLOG MAKEOVER valued at 70$! {Only Blogger blogs}
Third Place:
BLOG MAKEOVER valued at 70$! {Only Blogger blogs}
If by the the end of the contest I have reached 200 Followers on the design blog, I’ll add a FOURTH winner that will get the same as the second and third one =)
How to enter the contest?
Answer any of the following Questions:
Do you already have a blog or are you planning on starting soon? Why?
What Do you LOVE/HATE about blogging?
Fill Out THIS Form!
Extra Entries in The Comments WILL NOT COUNT!
Extra Entries:
- +5 Google Friend Connect Follower of Lala's Designs Blog {Follow Publicly}
- +5 Networked Blogs Follower of Lala's Designs Blog
- +5 Subscribe to The Blog by Email (Form on the Right Sidebar)
- +2 “Like” of Lala's Designs Blog on Facebook
- +1 Add all your entries! (including this one!)
Ends May 31st!
Good Luck!